Dear Private Sector ‘workers’
The reason we are striking is of no importence to you so its a bit pathetic that you feel the need to comment at all. But your short sightedness has infuriated me so much that I felt I needed to say a few things:
Firstly, and I’m sure I speak for everyone in the public sector, my career choice was based on many factors: Firstly, did I want to be a better person and give back to the community, or did I want to chase the dream and get rich? Well, it may surprise you, but UNLIKE PRIVATE SECTOR ‘WORKERS,’ some of us actually feel that their is more to life than money.
Selfishness is a horrible trait.
Secondly, people have been saying that we are wrong for striking without properly understanding exactly what it’s we’re striking for… well here’s some home truths: We work LONGER AND HARDER THEN YOU AND DON’T HAVE TIME TO READ UP ALL ABOUT IT. That is EXACTLY the reason we vote people in too make the decisions for us!! It’s a word called ‘democrasy’… maybe you should learn it? Oh, sorry, you’re to busy spending all day on facebook to actually learn about important stuff? Pathetic.
Thirdly, you say there’s no money to fund our pensions… well what about the money spent on the military? And hospitals. Schools, Bin men, other sevices: these people don’t work for free!! Do you seriously expect us to believe were short for cash? Ask yourself a question, where does all the money come from?
Fourthly, we pay taxes just the same as you pay taxes, so we’re actually paying for the policing tomorrow too. They don’t split it between ONLY private secto one day and public sector the other day. (check this first)
Fivthly, I think some of you are just jealous because you want to spend the day getting ahead on your Christmas shopping and going to the pub too. Well GUESS WHAT, were contributing to the PRIVATE SECTOR when we’re spending OUR money. Urrm… doing what is needed and getting us out of the recession that private sector bankers got us into?! Recession: Another word you should learn before you have a go at us for spending money. Btw, WE DON’T NEED TO PICKET BECAUSE EVERYBODY’S STRIKING. It’s. Not. That. Comlicated.
[name withheld]